25 December, 2007

Merry Christmas

My mom called me last week and said that she had gotten a Christmas present from my dad. She said that she heard a poem on the radio, and she believes that Daddy sent it for her. I agree.

Today, in my complete insanity, before we could open presents, I made the girls help me unpack some of the boxes in the dining room so I could find my good glasses to use for Christmas dinner. We didn't need them at Thanksgiving because we weren't at home, but I really wanted them for Christmas. We didn't have them last year either, and I was tired of waiting. So I came across a smaller box that was packed inside a big dish box. I knew it wasn't my holiday glassware, but I wanted to see what was in the smaller box.

Inside the box was a note from my dad. It was a list of things that were in the box (things that came from his mom's house), and a note at the bottom to me. I remember Daddy giving me the box and telling me what was inside, but I don't think I'd opened it before. I started crying because I'd gotten a Christmas gift from Daddy, too, and I was just insane enough to actually be opening it on Christmas morning.

I miss you, Daddy.

Merry Christmas!

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