26 July, 2007

Visiting Clergy

So I had my very first mammogram this week at the age of 42 and a half. Yes, I know, a bit behind schedule.

My appointment was at the "outpatient diagnostics center" at a local hospital. I had never been a patient at that hospital before, and I knew they would need me to fill out some forms. One form was specifically for the test that day, but the other form was for their records because I was a new patient. The last two questions on the form:

* Would you like visitors? Yes No
* Would you like a visit from a member of the clergy? Yes No

Remember, I'm there for a mammogram. No, I don't really want visitors, and I think that I would especially not like a visit from a member of the clergy. However, I don't want to seem anti-social. I mean, what if, God forbid, I get into a car accident in the future and end up in the hospital?

I left the last two questions blank.

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