15 July, 2007

Honor Star, Honor Friend Weekend

Our church has something called Missionettes, where girls complete different studies for badges or charms. It's like a Christian version of Girl Scouts.

Today, my youngest girl was crowned as an Honor Star and my oldest girl was crowned as an Honor Friend. One great thing about being back in Tennessee was that my mom, brother, sister, and niece came to our house to help us celebrate the weekend.

To be an Honor Star, a girl must complete at least 27 badges. (Each badge has four lessons, with a project and a memory verse, and can be completed in about a month.) She must also read the entire New Testament in the three years she's in Stars. She must learn the Statement of Faith, the Lord's Prayer, write an essay on Integrity, and memorize a set of questions and answers about healing, the Holy Spirit, and End-time Events. At the end of the three years, she takes a written test on everything they've learned, including the 27 memory verses. My youngest daughter had the highest score in her group of five Honor Stars.

An Honor Star receives a crown, a sash, and an Honor Star medal during the ceremony. My daughter also received a Bronze Medal because she is an Honor Daisy, Honor Prim, and an Honor Star.

To be an Honor Friend, a girl must complete at least 18 units. (Each unit has six lessons, with a project and memory verse, so they take about six weeks to complete.) She must also read the entire Bible, both Old and New Testament, in the three years she's in the Friends Club. At the end of the three years, she must take a written test on the Statement of Faith and the 18 memory verses. My oldest daughter scored a perfect 100% on her test.

An Honor Friend receives a ring with a butterfly and a purple graduation cord during the ceremony. My daughter also received a Silver Medal because she is an Honor Daisy, Honor Prim, Honor Star, and now an Honor Friend. She was the first Honor Friend they had ever had at that church, and so was also their first Silver Medalist.

I'm so proud of my girls, and they were so happy they could share the weekend with my family.


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