21 November, 2006

"Multicultural" night

Today was "multicultural" night for supper. The girls are studying "multiculturalism" for a project for church, and part of the project was to make a multicultural meal.

For the main dish the girls chose to make Chinese casserole, which isn't really very Chinese. When I mentioned that to them, they said that I got the recipe from someone who was of Finish ancestry, so that made it a very multicultural dish. They also made Brussels sprouts, because what could be more European than something named after a country in Europe?

For desert my oldest child decided to try to recreate one of the foods that I have been missing since we left Luxembourg---chocolate croissants. So the girls took refrigerated crescent rolls (the jumbo size), rolled chocolate chips inside, and baked them. They weren't exactly like what I used to buy in Luxembourg, but they were really, really good.

At least my kids understand the idea that there are different cultures in the world. I think that they are also not quite as angry as they used to be with Europe in general. After all, a continent with such good bread can't be all bad.

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