23 February, 2007

Best Friends

I heard the Michael W. Smith song "Friends" this evening. It's not my favorite song in the world, though it's not bad. I suppose I don't really like it because it always seems to be sung at really emotional times, and I tend to be an emotional girl.

But it got me thinking about my best friend, of course, and I realized that one of the main problems with running my own business in the middle of nowhere is that I don't see enough of my best friend.

Living in Luxembourg was difficult because of the time difference. It gave me a very limited window where I could call my parents or my friends back in the States. One nice thing about being in Tennessee is that I'm only one time zone away from most of my friends.

I've had a really difficult time connecting with people around here. I guess I'm just too different from anyone around here. It's hard to find common ground.

I suppose the moral of the story is that I need to spend some time investing in the friendships I do already have with the people that understand me, especially now that there isn't such a big time difference.

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